News Article

Class on Natural Fibers at Buffalo's Mountain Meadow Wool
Date: Nov 05, 2012
Author: Aaron Palmer
Source: Sheridan Media ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: Mountain Meadow Wool Company Inc of Buffalo, WY

A group of partners presented a class in Buffalo over the last few days to teach those interested more about natural fibers in general, how to sort them and how to become certified in the process.

Natural fibers are those produced by sheep, alpacas, goats, and other animals that are collected, sorted, cleaned, dyed and spun into yarns that are then used to produce many different products.

Robyn Kuhl, Carrie Hull, and Jody Hezoucky with Certified Sorting Systems were in Buffalo over the last few days presenting the classes to locals, others from around the country and even one working in Kyrgyzstan. The ladies partnered with Buffalo's Mountain Meadow Wool, who is one of their top suppliers of some of the best natural fibers in the country. The classes were held at the company's facilities.

Robyn Kuhl and Carrie Hull explain more about the classes and what they mean to not only those who attend but to the rest of us as well.

The most important link in the textile chain, they said, is the fiber sorter who prepares those fibers to be produced. When they make the fibers uniform then the end product is substantially better.

Since 2006 the four partners have offered classes throughout the country, with the purpose of improving the finished natural fiber, to improve all US products to better compete with those produced elsewhere. The ladies said the US can compete by producing superior products.

Through better sorting and feedback from each level of production, everyone from the producer to the consumer will benefit, they said.

Classes are still being organized for 2013.

For more information on the classes, on the sorting certification or Certified Sorting Systems, go to the link at the end of this story at