Several very distinct concepts effectively describe realization of SBIR-created value:

• Analytics: systematic documention of scale and diversity of individual (and collective) impact
• Monetization: achievement of relevant financial return to parties involved.
• Effective business partnering: enabling viable working relationships

From the earliest days of SBIR (pilot program(s) initiated in 1977 in NSF and 1980 in DOD) - to the present-day cross-section of many federal agencies - the totality of all awardees over the life of the program now factors to 32,302 firms: 10,122 currently program-active

The collectivity that is the SBIR-STTR Community is usefully understood as a diversity of a many different players to include:
• Awardees (current and previous)
• Applicants
• Federal agencies personnel
• State support organizations
• Professional service providers
• Investors
• Corporate players
• Academics

Which group best defines who you are?

Depending on the "hat" you're currently wearing: Investor, Potential technical collaborator, Rival small firm, Tech Seeker, Agency personnel, State SBIR support provider, Member of Congress .. or "just curious" - different site-use options (and off-line services) are available

Reflecting the considerable diversity of system usage, Membership Fee ranges from No-Cost, through nominal payment to appropriately priced, in-depth, serious working relationships ... each coming with its relevant tools and support services.

Deep-mined, sliced/diced wealth of data in our systems is carefully designed to yield effective business, investment and/or policy-actionable information.

Effective SBIR engagement is a function of access to capability-relevant information about the right companies by the right people.

An original NSF initiative in 1977 (Roland Tibbetts), later emulated in 1980 by DOD (Horace Crouch) with Congress enabling current across-several- agency involvement in 1982.

...realizing SBIR value: is all about effective community engagement

SBIR Awardees 1982-Present

...arguably perhaps among the largest concentration of US technical talent

Totality of SBIR Community

... more than just recipient awardees

What can I do here?

Usefully understood as a function of who you are ... and what you are trying to do

Data Analytics

Who got what from whom... with what sort of outcomes

Tech Matching

Enabling awardees and the right people to find each other

History of program

Who, how, when and where