News Article

Battery Maker Promises Green Energy, New Jobs
Date: Apr 30, 2013
Author: Tedd Florendo
Source: Company Data ( click here to go to the source)

Featured firm in this article: K2 Energy Solutions Inc of Henderson, NV

HENDERSON, Nev. -- A new manufacturing plant for building batteries just opened in Henderson with promises of green energy and good jobs.

The batteries made by K2 Energy are not ordinary batteries. They are known as lithium iron phosphate batteries that last longer and are environmentally friendly.

The company's CEO said demand for their batteries is global.

"They are used in applications ranging from electric vehicles, like you see here, to medical devices to military to aerospace," CEO Johnnie Stoker said.

They are growing in popularity because they last about five years longer than a normal battery. They are non-toxic to make, and they can be recharged thousands of times.

The company plans to expand even more in about two years with a bigger facility and they will be looking to hire about 200 more people. This from a company that started with just four people a few years ago.

Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen is looking forward to the economic boost.

"That is exactly what everybody wants. Is it going to turn the economy around? Jobs, jobs, jobs. and this is a perfect example," Mayor Hafen said.

The lithium batteries will be manufactured in Henderson and in China.

Stoker said he picked Henderson to open K2's first U.S. warehouse because rent was affordable. Plus, the almost endless sunshine is needed to work on their solar panel batteries.

The company is currently looking for few electrical and battery engineers, salespeople, operator and technicians. People interested can apply at the plant at Warm Springs and Eastegate roads.