Company Profile

Soar Technology Inc (AKA: SoarTech)
Profile last edited on: 6/20/2023      CAGE: 1C4L4      UEI: L9Q4Y83HTUM3

Business Identifier: Human-centered AI solutions for military's toughest problems
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

3600 Green Court Suite 600
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
   (734) 627-8072
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 12
County: Washtenaw

Public Profile

Spun out of University of Michigan and now having facilities and personnel in Ann Arbor, MI, Orlando FL, Dayton, OH and and Saline MI, SoarTech is an artificial intelligence company focused on development of smart and intuitive human/robot interface devices. By improving situational understanding through the firm's Operator Control Unit (OCU) and leveraging automation through their Smart Interaction Device (SID), SoarTech is working to create beneficial human-robot interactions that include the robot as a true part of the team. This technology has both civilian and military applications. The firm's products are designed to simplify human-system interaction and simulate human-like behavior, with applications in modeling and simulation, intelligence analysis, games, command and control, robotics command and control, medical informatics, military training, and information management. The company also offers solutions for various diverse domains related to national security, including military training, cybersecurity, command and control, information management, and intelligence analysis.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 OSD $3,183,600
Project Title: Reinforcement Learning with Intelligent Context-based Exploration (RL-ICE)
2023 2 DARPA $3,443,268
Project Title: Explainable AI to support Veterans Transition Assistance Programs (XAI-VTAP)
2023 2 Navy $1,225,009
Project Title: Snapshot+
2023 2 DARPA $3,135,716
Project Title: CCHAT Handoff Protocol
2022 2 Navy $2,599,351
Project Title: Soliloquy

Key People / Management

  Michael Van Lent -- President, CEO, and Chief Scientist

  Daniel Barber

  Robert Bechtel

  Robert Bixler

  Amanda Bond

  Robert Bridgman

  Sven Brueckner

  Jeffrey Craighead -- Research Scientist

  Jacob Crossman

  Andrew Dallas -- Vice President, Federal Systems

  Van Dyke

  Jeremiah Folsom-Kovarik

  Katherine Fox

  Scott Grigsby -- Senior Scientist

  Kate Harding -- COO & Executive Vice President

  Amy Henninger

  Ross Hoehn -- Research Scientist

  Robert Hubal

  Victor Hung

  Randolph Jones -- Senior Artificial Intelligence Engineer

  Chris Kawatsu -- Research Scientist

  Kris Kearns -- Director of Strategy

  Charlie Kola -- Vice President of Finance

  Frank V Koss -- Software Engineer VP, Co-Founder

  Scott Lathrop

  Christopher Maclellan

  Robert Marinier

  Eric Martinsons -- Lead Scientist

  Lauren Massey

  Fernando Maymi

  Lilia Moshkina

  Lilia Moshkina-Martinson

  Kelly Neville

  Charles Newton -- Lead Scientist

  Denise Nicholson -- Vice President of Intelligent Training and Director of X

  Paul E Nielsen

  Ryan O'grady

  H Van Dyke Parunak

  Henry Phillips

  Ben Purman -- Research Scientist

  Michael Quist

  James Rosbe -- Board Member

  Tim Saucer

  John Sauter

  Dylan Schmorrow -- Executive VP and Chief Techology Officer

  Roger Smith

  Robert Sottilare -- Science Director

  Brian S Stensrud

  Adam Sypniewski

  Alyssa Tanaka

  Glenn Taylor -- Senio Scientist

  Caitlin Tenison

  Alan Vayda

  Ryan Wohleber

  Scott Wood -- Senior Scientist

  Robert Wray

  Jack Zaientz

Company News

Jan 01 2012
Automated Wingman