Company Profile

Sequenom Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/11/2024      CAGE: 3SBS1      UEI: DGLUGNKJMMD5

Business Identifier: Molecular technologies, and highly sensitive laboratory genetic tests for NIPT and carrier screening
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

3595 John Hopkins Court
San Diego, CA 92121
   (858) 202-9000
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 50
County: San Diego

Public Profile

In July 2016, it was announced that LabCorp would acquire Sequenom in a cash tranaction. In May 2014 Sequenom had sold to newly formed Agena Bioscience all the assets and related intellectual property of Sequenom Inc.’s bioscience business, which developed, manufactured, and sells genetic analysis instruments and tools, software, reagents, and consumables for research applications. Sequenom, Inc., a life sciences company, had provided genomic and genetic analysis solutions for the molecular diagnostic and clinical research markets. Sequenom has developed a broad range of laboratory tests with a focus on prenatal and ophthalmological diseases and conditions. Branded under the names HerediT™, MaterniT21® PLUS, RetnaGene™, SensiGene® and VisibiliT™, these molecular genetic laboratory-developed tests provide early patient management information for obstetricians, geneticists, maternal fetal medicine specialists and ophthalmologists. Squenom operates laboratories at its headquarters in San Diego; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Morrisville, North Carolina.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Over 50M
VC funded?
Publicly Traded
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2000 1 NIH $100,000
Project Title: M Tuberculosis Strain Genotyping By Mass Spectrometry
1999 1 NIH $124,141
Project Title: Large-Scale Genotyping By Chip-Based Mass Spectrometry

Key People / Management

  Antonius Schuh -- President

  Andreas Braun

  Daniel P Little