Company Profile

Pison Technology Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/17/2020      CAGE: 7SB32      UEI: EVMCKM9G1Y65

Business Identifier: Motionless communication and control system designed to expand horizon of human capabilities
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

258 Harvard Street Suite 312
Brookline, MA 02446
   (617) 520-4815
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Norfolk

Public Profile

Pison Technology Inc. develops human-computer interaction technology - what the firm decsribes as a body-as-a platform technology that enables intuitive gesture-based control of digital interfaces. A motionless communication and control system designed to expand the horizon of human capabilities, the firm's technology is able to capture and filter signals sent to the nervous system and utilizes these signals to allow the user to intuitively control digital devices and interfaces. Pison's software allows developers to tap into signals sent from muscle commands in order to develop technology that incorporates real-time feedback and integration into augmented reality displays. The company is creating a wearable controller for intuitive and powerful gesture control of augmented reality smart glasses. Pison has developed and patented electroneurography, or ENG, the first process for sensing peripheral nerve firings on the surface of the skin. Full stack solutions combine hardware, software, machine learning, and UI for AR industries. In May 2019 was in receipt of one of a small number of a $100,000 Grants made by Microsoft

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 Army $2,017,543
Project Title: Electroneurography for Muscle Fatigue
2022 2 AF $1,250,001
Project Title: Tactical Assault Kit-Gesture User Interface for Drone Engagement (TAK-GUIDE)
2022 2 AF $799,883
Project Title: Minimalist Operator Tactile Alerting for Universal Reconnaissance (MINOTAUR)
2022 2 AF $800,000
Project Title: WaRTAK- CAAGE Convoy Anomaly Awareness Gesture Enhancement
2021 2 AF $1,000,001
Project Title: ISLE Lightweight Modular Simulator (ISLE-LMS)

Key People / Management

  Dexter Ang -- Co-Founder and CEO

  Megan Blackwell

  David Cipoletta -- Founder and CTO

  Michael Jenkins

  Michael Patel

  Salil Patel -- Chief Scientific Officer