Company Profile

Micro-Lam Inc (AKA: MICRO-LAM TECH~µ-LAM~Micro-Laser Assisted Machining Technologies LLC)
Profile last edited on: 3/20/19      CAGE: 6LKQ5      UEI:

Business Identifier: Laser-diamond cutting tool system for hard and brittle materials
Year Founded
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Latest Award
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Location Information

4950 West Dickman Road Suite B-3
Battle Creek, MI 49037
   (206) 600-7366
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Calhoun

Public Profile

The µ-LAM technology (patent pending) uses a laser source coupled to a diamond cutting tool to thermally heat and soften hard and brittle materials rendering them more ductile, easier to machine (fabricate) and significantly reducing tool wear; all of which leads to higher productivity in the manufacturing process. The system in general consists of a fiber laser (typically near IR) that passes through an optically transparent diamond cutting tool and emerges at the interface (cutting edge) between the tool and work piece being machined (this is generally implemented in a lathe machine configuration for turning operations). The process is capable of machining nominally hard and brittle semiconductors and ceramics (such as Silicon & Silicon Carbide) in a ductile-plastic mode without brittle fracture and with minimal surface and sub surface damage. The µ-LAM system can be readily applied to precision conventional diamond turning machines to perform single point diamond turning (SPDT) of optical, mechanical components and semiconductor materials.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2018 1 NSF $225,000
Project Title: Quad Element Technology for Precision Machining Glass Optics
2016 2 NSF $1,357,375
Project Title: Micro Laser Assisted Machining

Key People / Management

  Deepak Ravindra -- Founder and Chief Executive Officer

  Bradley Bickings -- Production Technician

  Jim Branski -- Chief Operating Officer

  Gregory Connors -- Sr Mfg Engineer

  Di Kang -- Materials Scientist

  Sai Kumar Kode -- Product Engineer

  Alyson Markos -- Marketing Coordinator

  Zac Morhous -- Design Engineer

  Jayesh Navare -- Applications Engineer

  Hossein Shahinian -- Process Engineer

  Judy Shearer -- Operations Administrator

  Chris Stroshine -- Global Sales Manager

  Yang Su -- Materials Engineer

  Dima Zaytsev -- Sr Applications Engineer