Company Profile

Mango Materials
Profile last edited on: 9/14/22      CAGE: 66L51      UEI: DL9HH6QZ3V84

Business Identifier: Biodegradable plastics from waste biogas (methane) : economically competitive with conventional, oil-based plastics.
Year Founded
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Location Information

1400 Radio Road
Redwood City, CA 94065
   (650) 427-0430
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: San Mateo

Public Profile

Mango Materials'​ technology uses waste biogas (methane) to produce poly-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) powder, a valuable biopolymer that is converted into a variety of eco-friendly, plastic products such as such as toys, packaging, agricultural and construction materials, cosmetic packaging and a polyester replacement for textiles. The patented process dveeloped by Mango Materials is economically competitive with conventional oil-based plastics. The firm is able to utilize wasted methane gas that is often flared or simply released (vented) to the atmosphere, as well as waste methane gas produced from anaerobic digestion (without oxygen) of waste at wastewater treatment plants and waste methane gas produced from waste decomposition at landfills, agricultural facilties, or other industries. To effect this, using a patented process, the company uses bacteria to turn methane into biopolymer granules in a cradle‐to‐cradle loop. Mango Materials has access to free methane feedstock, a world-class polymer facility, a prototype bioreactor location and has successfully completed a 60-day field trial. The ipreference for green products, demand for biodegradable and non petroleum-based plastics is growing rapidly. The firm's climate positive technology transforms greenhouse gas emissions into a biodegradable material for fashion and products, making a plastic substitute that may actually be better than conventional plas

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2018 2 NSF $1,577,197
Project Title: A Novel Biodegradable Biopolymer from Waste Methane Gas
2017 2 NASA $873,153
Project Title: A Novel, Membrane-Based Bioreactor Design to Enable a Closed-Loop System on Earth and Beyond

Key People / Management

  Molly Morse -- President, Chief Executive Officer

  Allison Pieja -- Chief Technology Officer, Civil & Environmental Engineer

  Anne Schauer-Gimenez -- Chief Operations Officer, Environmental Engineer

  Bill Shelander -- Senior Advisor. Former Chief Operating Officer