A development-stage company, Infinium is commercializing novel processes for primary production and recycling of metals with a particular focus on those with growing demand in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The firm's first two metals are magnesium, for lightweight fuel-efficient vehicles and aircraft components, and neodymium, for the magnets in wind turbines and hybrid/electric vehicles. Current metal-making technologies are extremely pollution-intensive negating much of their benefit for clean energy and energy efficiency. INFINIUM technology efficiently produces these metals with ZERO emissions. Originally named Metal Oxygen Separation Technologies (MOxST), the company changed its name to INFINIUM in March 2013 better to reflect the firm's mission of sustainable metals. The firm is also listed as Infinium Metals. In addition to SBIR funding and other investments, in 2011, Metal Oxygen Separation Technologies Inc. (MOxST) had been awarded a $6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Program to scale up the companys MacGen1000 magnesium production process. New fuel efficiency standards, adopted by the Transportation Department and the Environmental Protection Agency had earlier pointed to magnesium as a key metal to making lightweight vehicles with improved fuel efficiency.