Company Profile

Clarifai Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/25/2022      CAGE: 88U58      UEI: LEDKTXJMC9D7

Business Identifier: Deep learning AI platform for computer vision, natural language processing, and data labeling
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

115 W 30th Street Room 601
New York, NY 10001
   (866) 464-7326
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: New York

Public Profile

Offering a platform for building AI-powered software solutions, Clarifai supports the full AI development lifecycle; including dataset preparation, model training and deployment. The firm specializes in deep learning models used for understanding unstructured image, video, text and audio data enabling both public sector and enterprise customers solve complex use cases through object classification, detection, tracking, geolocation, visual search and natural language processing. Clarifai offers on-premise, cloud, and bare-metal deployments.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
1686421535 2 AF $749,998
Project Title: Deep Learning Platform for Real World Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Search
2022 2 NGA $1,092,624
Project Title: Clarifai Proposal - Automating tilt and roll in ground-based photos and video frames
2021 2 NGA $1,059,529
Project Title: Clarifai proposal - Synthetic Data for Computer Vision
2020 1 AF $49,990
Project Title: Computer Vision for Predictive Maintenance (PMx)

Key People / Management

  Matthew D Zeiler -- Founder & CEO

  Sean Alger -- General Manager, Public Sector

  Michael Gormish

Company News

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