AvProâs approach to advanced process control is based on the progressive application of Material state Management (MSM) to standard production and repair environments. AvPro supports this effort through the use of training, engineering support, and advanced controls. AvPro was incorporated to develop state-of-the-art processing science and control systems for composite materials. AvPro was formed to resolve critical path problems related to the development of the all composite Learfan turboprop aircraft. The critical path elements of the technology were subsequently applied to composite structures used in most of the major aerospace projects of the time. This included the B1-B, B2, Space Shuttle, D5 missile program and others. AvPro continues to develop advanced processing technologies in collaborative work with Southwest Research Institute, The University of Dayton, The University of Minnesota, The University of Oklahoma and Cranfield University in England. Today AvPro provides Material State Management to the aerospace industry and has developed a significant capability to provide support for composite manufacturing