Company Profile

Avery Therapeutics Inc
Profile last edited on: 4/30/20      CAGE: 73GT3      UEI: EAEKFAHSBLQ1

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Location Information

4425 Westflying Diamond Drive
Tucson, AZ 85742
   (928) 607-7410
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02

Public Profile

Avery Therapeutics is organized around advancing tissue-engineered therapeutics to treat diseases and injuries to human muscle. ANchored in technology licensed fro University of Arizona, Tuscon, Avery’s first product, MyCardia™ is a tissue engineered graft for treatment of chronic heart failure. Chronic heart failure is a critical need worldwide with 26M people diagnosed and no therapies that effectively reverse the disease process or restore function to the heart long term. MyCardia™ has the potential to be the first available therapy that regenerates tissue and restores the heart to effective function for a high quality of life. MyCardia™ is a three part product comprised of a bio- absorbable scaffold seeded with fibroblasts and induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes. Each cell type provides a unique therapeutic element and taken together synergistically improves the heart better than other technologies. MyCardia™ mimics key molecular and cellular attributes of cardiac tissue and behaves like cardiac tissue. MyCardia™ beats spontaneously and synchronously and electrically couples with the heart. The firm's data showing that MyCardia™ improves cardiac function in pre-clinical models of heart failure and results in generation of new blood vessels and heart muscle. Pre-clinical studies with MyCardia™ have also shown improvements in diastolic function. Given that there are no existing therapies to treat diastolic dysfunction these results could potentially beo

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Less than .5M
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Key People / Management

  Steven Goldman -- Chief Medical Officer, Co-Founder

  Jen Watson Koevary -- Chief Operating Officer

  Jordan Lancaster -- Chief Scientific Officer, Co-Founder

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