Commercializing In-Home Supportive Technolgy for Dementia Caregivers
Award last edited on: 5/18/2023

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Gene Wang

Company Information

People Power Company (AKA: People Power USA)

585 Broadway Street
Redwood City, CA 94063
   (650) 752-6500
Location: Single
Congr. District: 15
County: San Mateo

Phase I

Contract Number: 1R44AG059458-01
Start Date: 7/1/2018    Completed: 12/31/2018
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, or another neurodegenerative disease is a highly meaningful part of family life. However, the associated burden and strain can have adverse effects on caregivers including mental and physical health problems, reduced well-being, and increased mortality. These effects, in turn, can compromise care quality and shorten survival times for people with dementia (PWD). Research has consistently found that behavioral symptoms in PWD are most strongly associated with adverse caregiver effects, even more so than cognitive and functional symptoms. Empirically- supported interventions are needed that: (a) target mechanisms/pathways shown to connect behavioral symptoms in PWD with adverse effects in caregivers, and (b) can be disseminated successfully into larger community settings. In this SBIR Fast Track application, we will develop, refine, and evaluate People Power Caregiver (PPCg), a flexible and expandable hardware/software system designed to integrate in-home sensors and devices, emergency responding, social networking, and Internet-of-Things (i.e., devices that can be controlled and communicated with via the internet) technologies to create a more supportive and safe home environment for caregivers and PWD. PPCg monitors troublesome behaviors in PWD (e.g., wandering), and targets mechanisms (e.g., worry, social isolation) thought to link behavioral symptoms in PWD with adverse caregiver outcomes. PPCg is also designed to minimize demands on caregivers’ limited time and energy and to provide a platform for data collection that can be used by researchers and care professionals. This application is an innovative partnership between People Power (CEO: Gene Wang, in Redwood City, California and the Berkeley Psychophysiology Laboratory (Director: Robert W. Levenson) at the University of California, Berkeley. People Power is an award-winning, established leader in home monitoring and Internet-of-Things technology and has recently started developing assistive technologies for the elderly. The Berkeley Psychophysiology Laboratory has been engaged in basic and applied research with PWD and other neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers for the past 15 years. The proposal addresses three specific aims: Aim 1: Focus groups. In Phase I of the project, a preliminary version of PPCg will be developed and refined with input from focus groups of caregivers and in- home testing (Study 1). Aim 2: Efficacy. In the first year of Phase II of the project, the first production version of PPCg will be installed by the research team in 80 homes and evaluated in a randomized controlled efficacy trial that includes careful diagnosis and assessment of emotional functioning in PWD and caregivers (Study 2). Aim 3: Effectiveness. In the second year of Phase II of the project, working with energy industry partners, a refined and expanded second production version of PPCg will be provided to 400 homes with familial caregivers for self-installation and evaluation in a community-based effectiveness trial (Study 3).

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Relevance Dementias cause profound cognitive, emotional, and functional deficits. As the disease progresses, people with dementia become increasingly dependent on caregivers, who are at heightened risk for mental and physical health problems. Applying assistive technology to monitor worrisome behaviors, improve safety, and reduce social isolation in the home environment can reduce caregiver burden and improve care in ways that have major public health benefits.

Project Terms:
Address; Adverse effects; adverse outcome; Age; Aggressive behavior; Algorithms; Alzheimer's Disease; Applied Research; Artificial Intelligence; Award; base; Basic Science; Behavior; Behavior monitoring; Behavioral Symptoms; California; Caregiver Burden; caregiver interventions; Caregivers; Caring; Cities; Clinical Trials; Cognitive; Communities; community setting; Computer software; Data Collection; Dementia; Dementia caregivers; dementia caregiving; design; Devices; Diagnosis; Disease; Effectiveness; effectiveness trial; efficacy trial; Elderly; Emergency Situation; Emotional; emotional behavior; Evaluation; Family; Family member; Fire - disasters; flexibility; Floods; Focus Groups; Friends; Fright; Frontotemporal Dementia; Future; Genes; Gray unit of radiation dose; GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gs; hazard; Health; Health Benefit; Home environment; Impairment; improved; industry partner; innovation; Internet; Internet of Things; Intervention; Laboratories; Lead; Learning; Life; Link; Loneliness; loved ones; Mental Health; Monitor; mortality; Neurodegenerative Disorders; Outcome; Pathway interactions; Pattern; Personal Satisfaction; Phase; physical conditioning; Population; prevent; Production; Progressive Disease; Psychophysiology; psychosocial; Public Health; Quality of Care; Randomized; Redwood; Research; Research Personnel; response; Risk; Safety; Self-Help Devices; sensor; service providers; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Social Behavior; Social isolation; social media; Social Network; software systems; Symptoms; Technology; Testing; theories; Time; Universities; user-friendly; Voice

Phase II

Contract Number: 4R44AG059458-02
Start Date: 7/1/2018    Completed: 1/31/2021
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2022)
Phase II Amount

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, or another neurodegenerative disease is a highly meaningful part of family life. However, the associated burden and strain can have adverse effects on caregivers including mental and physical health problems, reduced well-being, and increased mortality. These effects, in turn, can compromise care quality and shorten survival times for people with dementia (PWD). Research has consistently found that behavioral symptoms in PWD are most strongly associated with adverse caregiver effects, even more so than cognitive and functional symptoms. Empirically- supported interventions are needed that: (a) target mechanisms/pathways shown to connect behavioral symptoms in PWD with adverse effects in caregivers, and (b) can be disseminated successfully into larger community settings. In this SBIR Fast Track application, we will develop, refine, and evaluate People Power Caregiver (PPCg), a flexible and expandable hardware/software system designed to integrate in-home sensors and devices, emergency responding, social networking, and Internet-of-Things (i.e., devices that can be controlled and communicated with via the internet) technologies to create a more supportive and safe home environment for caregivers and PWD. PPCg monitors troublesome behaviors in PWD (e.g., wandering), and targets mechanisms (e.g., worry, social isolation) thought to link behavioral symptoms in PWD with adverse caregiver outcomes. PPCg is also designed to minimize demands on caregivers’ limited time and energy and to provide a platform for data collection that can be used by researchers and care professionals. This application is an innovative partnership between People Power (CEO: Gene Wang, in Redwood City, California and the Berkeley Psychophysiology Laboratory (Director: Robert W. Levenson) at the University of California, Berkeley. People Power is an award-winning, established leader in home monitoring and Internet-of-Things technology and has recently started developing assistive technologies for the elderly. The Berkeley Psychophysiology Laboratory has been engaged in basic and applied research with PWD and other neurodegenerative diseases and their caregivers for the past 15 years. The proposal addresses three specific aims: Aim 1: Focus groups. In Phase I of the project, a preliminary version of PPCg will be developed and refined with input from focus groups of caregivers and in- home testing (Study 1). Aim 2: Efficacy. In the first year of Phase II of the project, the first production version of PPCg will be installed by the research team in 80 homes and evaluated in a randomized controlled efficacy trial that includes careful diagnosis and assessment of emotional functioning in PWD and caregivers (Study 2). Aim 3: Effectiveness. In the second year of Phase II of the project, working with energy industry partners, a refined and expanded second production version of PPCg will be provided to 400 homes with familial caregivers for self-installation and evaluation in a community-based effectiveness trial (Study 3).

Public Health Relevance Statement:
Relevance Dementias cause profound cognitive, emotional, and functional deficits. As the disease progresses, people with dementia become increasingly dependent on caregivers, who are at heightened risk for mental and physical health problems. Applying assistive technology to monitor worrisome behaviors, improve safety, and reduce social isolation in the home environment can reduce caregiver burden and improve care in ways that have major public health benefits.

NIH Spending Category:
Acquired Cognitive Impairment; Aging; Alzheimer's Disease; Alzheimer's Disease including Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD); Basic Behavioral and Social Science; Behavioral and Social Science; Brain Disorders; Caregiving Research; Clinical Research; Clinical Trials and Supportive Activities; Dementia; Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; Mental Health; Neurodegenerative; Neurosciences; Women's Health

Project Terms:
Address; Adverse effects; adverse outcome; Age; Aggressive behavior; Alzheimer's Disease; Applied Research; Artificial Intelligence; Award; base; Basic Science; Behavior; Behavior monitoring; Behavioral Symptoms; California; Caregiver Burden; caregiver interventions; Caregivers; Caring; Cities; Clinical Trials; Cognitive; Communities; community setting; Computer software; Data Collection; Dementia; Dementia caregivers; dementia caregiving; design; Devices; Diagnosis; Disease; Effectiveness; effectiveness trial; efficacy trial; Elderly; Emergency Situation; Emotional; emotional behavior; Evaluation; Family; Family member; Fire - disasters; flexibility; Floods; Focus Groups; Friends; Fright; Frontotemporal Dementia; Future; Genes; GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gs; hazard; Health; Health Benefit; Home environment; Impairment; improved; industry partner; innovation; Internet; Internet of Things; Intervention; Laboratories; Lead; learning algorithm; Life; Link; Loneliness; loved ones; Mental Health; Monitor; mortality; Neurodegenerative Disorders; Outcome; Pathway interactions; Pattern; Personal Satisfaction; Phase; physical conditioning; Population; prevent; Production; Progressive Disease; Psychophysiology; psychosocial; Public Health; Quality of Care; Randomized; Redwood; Research; Research Personnel; response; Risk; Safety; Self-Help Devices; sensor; service providers; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Social Behavior; Social isolation; social media; Social Network; software systems; Symptoms; Technology; Testing; theories; Time; Universities; user-friendly; Voice