We will design and integrate an embedded electronic diagnostic system into an existing chest dressing to alert a caregiver to a developing pneumothorax so that the appropriate life saving intervention can be made. The venting of air from the intrathoracic space through a wound provides an indication of a pneumothorax. Until now no chest dressing can detect deteriorating conditions and alert a care provider. Additionally, electronics technology is now able to produce sensing without adding excessive cost of an already fielded chest dressing such as the HALO, Ascherman or Hyfin. The use of miniaturized sensory electronics including a novel microprocessor detection algorithm will be integrated into a compact, disposable unit capable of assessing state, allowing for the venting of air, detecting the vent, and triggering a visual indicator. Such as device could easily be adapted in future phases to a wireless communication embedded chip to communicate with field medic or corpsmen monitors such as the Mini-medic™. Phase 1 will embed the electronic module onto the HALO system to meet the program requirements of sized to fit most wounds, identical adhesion to wound sites as the current device fielded, and visual indicator to the occurrence of the vent.
Keywords: Chest Wound, Chest Wound, Vent, Diagnostic Chest Dressing, Patient Monitoring, Needle Thoracentesis, Chest Dressing, Combat Chest Wound, Vital Signs, Pneumothorax