Automated Interoperability Testing System
Award last edited on: 11/2/2006

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Paul Perkinson

Company Information

Virtual Technology Corporation (AKA: VTC)

5510 Cherokee Avenue Suite 350
Alexandria, VA 22312
   (703) 658-7050
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Fairfax

Phase I

Contract Number: N61339-03-P-0308
Start Date: 8/13/2003    Completed: 2/13/2004
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Standardized protocols and technical advances, such as the High Level Architecture (HLA), have made simulation a powerful tool for maintaining military readiness through mission planning and rehearsal, force structure analysis, weapon system acquisition, system testing and evaluation, and training. The HLA provides a standard distributed simulation operating environment that, with federation development and execution expertise, can be used to achieve interoperability among simulations. Key factors for interoperability, such as data model semantics and model behavior are, by design, entirely unaddressed by the HLA standards, so it is necessary to capture them in separate federation agreements. Despite the criticality of federation interoperability to achieving simulation objectives, interoperability testing remains a largely manual and even ad hoc process, and there is no systematic method for capturing and ensuring compliance with federation agreements. Under this SBIR effort Virtual Technology Corporation (VTC) will develop the software architecture, process, and support tools to provide automated testing and verification of candidate federates for acceptance into HLA-based federations. This will enable significantly greater utility from simulation, significantly reduce the time and effort needed for federation integration and testing, and greatly facilitate reuse and composability of simulation elements, benefiting all programs that use distributed simulation. Benefits Development of automated interoperability testing tools and technologies will provide a number of benefits for DoD simulation users. This research will significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of interoperability testing for simulations, reducing the time and effort (or cost) associated with integration. This will in turn yield greater interoperability and integration of simulations into cohesive federations and will allow greater efforts to be applied toward running the simulations and gaining the desired results from the simulations. This research will also enhance interoperability for simulation components, and thereby increase reuse and composability. Ultimately this will increase the utility of simulation to support DoD requirements for training, analysis, acquisition support, and other applications. This technology can provide significant benefits and return on investment for programs such as Joint Strike Fighter and Navy Aviation Simulation Master Plan that rely heavily on simulation to achieve program objectives. Keywords Interoperability Integration Automated Testing High Level Architecture Distributed Simulation FEDEP Interoperability Maturity Model Fair Fight

Phase II

Contract Number: N61339-04-C-0118
Start Date: 9/23/2004    Completed: 9/23/2006
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal describes the Phase II solution for Automated Interoperability Testing developed by the Virtual Technology Corporation and BMH & Associates, Inc. team. It addresses a pressing need within the M&S community to advance interoperability testing from what may currently be described as largely manual or ad hoc processes with no systematic method for capturing and ensuring compliance with critical federation agreements. Our solution capitalizes on our Phase I success, detailed understanding of the problem, and extensive HLA federation experience to ensure achievement of all SBIR Phase II objectives and successful commercialization the Automated Interoperability Test Tool. Specifically the proposal details how we will incorporate previous research and development of an HLA Interoperability Maturity Model (HIMM) into the AIT Tool, develop a fully operational AIT tool based on Phase I prototyping effort, and provide AIT support to select simulation programs. Additionally, a discussion of our commercialization plans and analysis of the considerable market opportunity the tool will enjoy are provided. The fully implemented AIT tool will provide a valuable testing capability that can be leveraged by Navy and other service programs, as well as any of the many commercial users of HLA-based M&S.
