High Bandwidth, Secure, Portable Wireless LAN
Award last edited on: 4/4/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Joseph J Tavormina

Company Information

Ubiquity Communication Inc

1318 Redwood Way Suite 220
Petaluma, CA 94954
   (707) 792-5390
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Sonoma

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-98-C-0110
Start Date: 4/2/1998    Completed: 10/2/1998
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
An artful technical approach for achieving reliable >32 Mbps wireless transfer of integrated data, voice and video information is proposed. The technical approach utilizes 48 octet fast pack transport similar to as in ATM. The proposed wireless system provides network connectivity using legacy network interface standards (i.e. Ethernet, T1/E1, etc.) as well as through emerging network interface standards (i.e. ATM, SDH, etc.). To achieve high data rates, an artful solution to multipath propagation and its associated intersymbol interference is proposed. Novel waveform shaping techniques are utilized to gain spectral efficiency and highly linear modulators are used to prevent spectral blooming. Artful technical approaches are proposed to increase battery life (for a given throughput) by one or two orders of magnitude compared to presently available cellular telephones or 802.11 wireless LAN products. The use of a deterministic media access controller ensures low-latency (6 milliseconds) within the system and guarantees quality of service for the users of the system.

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-99-C-0151
Start Date: 4/9/1999    Completed: 4/9/2001
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
An artful technical approach for achieving reliable (greater than 32 Mbps) wireless transfer of integrated data, voice and video information is proposed. The technical approach utilizes 48 octet fast packet transport similar to ATM. The proposed wireless system provides WAN network connectivity using legacy network interface standards (i.e. Ethernet, T1/E1, etc.) as well as through emerging network interface standards (i.e. ATM, SDH, etc.) To achieve high data rates, an artful solution to multipath propagation and its associated intersymbol interference is proposed. Novel waveform shaping techniques are utilized to gain spectral efficiency and highly linear modulators are used to prevent spectral blooming. Artful technical approaches are proposed to increase battery life (for a given throughput) by one or two orders of magnitude compared to presently available cellular telephones or IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN products. The use of a deterministic medium access controller ensures low- latency (6 milliseconds) within the system and guarantees quality of service for the users of the system.

The proposed wireless system is well suited for short-range (indoor) and medium-range (outdoor campus) applications. Commercial applications are wide ranging, in both licensed and unlicensed frequency bands, including: wireless digital video transmission, high speed Internet access, untethered video teleconferencing, wireless ATM telecommunication services, mobile diagnostics of machinery, as well as many other applications.

Wireless LAN Wireless ATM Wireless Internet Wireless Video U-NII Band Integrated Services Remote Diagnostics Man Wearable Computer