LM Group Holdings Inc. (LMGH) partnering with Fabrisonic LLC is proposing a program to investigate manufacturing of amorphous metal alloy laminate composites and cladding of metallic surfaces by using ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM), a solid-state 3D metal printing technology. Potential NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) For NASA, the potential applications are: engine components (blades, disc, hubs, inlet guide vanes and cases), hypersonic vehicles (scramjet inlet flap) Bearings Impellers Fuel nozzles Gears Struts, Springs Hydraulics systems. Potential Non-NASA Applications (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150 words) Metal 3D printing has been widely adopted by several high-value industries, e.g., aerospace and medical. Many of these industries also utilize BMGs in niche applications to leverage BMG properties, e.g., coatings, thin high deformation components, etc.