Advanced Survivable Interceptor Modem
Award last edited on: 1/12/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Bryan Hughes

Company Information

Amtec Corporation

654 Discovery Drive Suite A
Huntsville, AL 35816
   (256) 772-7200
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 05
County: Madison

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Reliable, high speed communications are critical to the successful completion of postulated missile defense engagements. Importantly, interceptor kill vehicles (KV) and carrier vehicles (CV) must meet mission performance requirements under hostile threat conditions and while exposed to direct and indirect radiation effects. The interceptor modem is a key communications link. Modem capability and reliability will have a significant impact on achieving mission success. Existing interceptor modems lack the ability to be reconfigured in response to changes in the threat or modified communications protocols. Further, these modems are point-source designs, are specific to individual systems, and lack the performance robustness and design flexibility for use across multiple system platforms. The successful completion of all 3 phases of this effort will result in a radiation hardened modem capable of meeting HAENS performance requirements. A common design strategy will be used to reduce cost and extend utility across multiple systems; appropriate communications protocols will be used to ensure mission performance and advanced re-configurable FPGA technology will be employed to achieve technological robustness. During Phase 1, survivability and performance requirements analysis will be conducted, and a Phase II approach will be developed.

Disturbed Environments, High Altitude Exoatmospheric Nuclear Standard (Haens), Radiation Hardened, Re-Configurability, Field Programmable Gate Array (Fpga), Survivable, Interc

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
With the heavy infusion of commercial of the shelf (COTS) components into modern space and strategic avionics packages there is significant need to enhance component performance while establishing a high probability of mission success for operations in natural and nuclear weapon generated ionizing radiation environments. One component critical to the Ballistic Missile Defense System is the interceptor modem which maintains in-flight communications between the Fire Control and Interceptor/Kill Vehicles such as the Ground-based Missile Defense – Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (GMD-EKV), Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI), and Multiple Kill Vehicle/Carrier Vehicle (MKV/CV). It is critical for these systems that communications be reliably maintained for operations conducted in a fading channel environment perturbed by nuclear weapons effects. For this Phase II SBIR, Amtec is teamed with Rockwell Collins to further the ability of the Advanced Survivable Interceptor Modem (ASIM) design to address MDA-STD-001 classified environment survivability. Improvements will be gained through the application of survivability and reconfigurability design enhancements including implementation of State of the Art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. This SBIR will address the radiation hardness of the ASIM, and identify, implement and test specific strategies leading to a hardened, reconfigurable design.

Modem, Survivability, Haens, Software Defined Radio, Fading Channel, End To End Communications