In developing ballistic missile sensors, a means of generating synthetic test patterns is essential. However, it is nearly impossible with ballistic missile defense systems to set up field tests to simulate battle conditions. Experience has shown that the complexities of the natural environment are not modeled adequately by wholly synthetic images so that they provide a comprehensive evaluation of a system. There is a recognized need also for repeatable imagery of natural scenes that is, imagery that has been recorded, and can be reproduced repeatedly in a consistent fashion while retaining the same radiometric attributes. Thus, there is a need for a new approach or device for testing and evaluating advanced infrared sensors used in space-based ballistic missile defense systems. A video-to-photon converter is being investigated that operates in the mid to the far infrared spectrum. This device is a cathode ray tube-like device with a special target substrate that has the capability of emissions in all of the wavebands of interest. A means to vary the spectral response is being provided. Delta T's of over one thousand degrees C with background temperatures controllable from 20K to hundreds of degrees K are anticipated. Resolution is expected to be comparable to that of high resolution video monitors.