Augmenting Inductive Loop Vehicle Sensor Data with SPAT and GrID (MAP) via Data Fusion
Award last edited on: 1/30/2014

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Ravi Puvvala

Company Information

Savari Inc

2005 De La Cruz Boulevard Sute 131
Santa Clara, CA 95050
   (408) 833-6369
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Santa Clara

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Traffic signal controlled intersections currently receive data from various sensors including inductive loops, cameras, microwave, and infrared technologies. These technologies measure presence and passage of vehicles at fixed locations on the intersection approaches. The emergence of IntelliDriveSM will empower intersection control algorithms with rich information from DSRC equipped vehicles. In this new environment we will receive traditional loop data, SPAT messages from road side equipment, and “here-i-am” basic safety messages from aftermarket or OEM vehicles. These new sources of information necessitate the development of a common framework to integrate data into messages that are meaningful to intersection control equipment and adaptive signal systems. Through recent research in Arizona, the E-IntelliDriveSM program has demonstrated the capability of a DSRC enabled roadside unit to interact with equipped emergency vehicles to receive signal priority requests and provide intelligent signal control decisions. This proposal will focus on amalgamation of all the SAE J2735 DSRC messages into a well-defined interface with actuated signal controller logic. We focus on improving signal transition logic improvements as per NCHRP 3-66 and improve arterial performance measures using NCHRP 3-79 findings as well as integrating with the existing E-IntelliDriveSM success into a product that enhances mobility, safety, and the environment.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In this proposal, we have proposed a program for twenty months to build on the basic ideas and feasibility developed in Phase I of this SBIR in order to demonstrate the practical use of DSRC technologies with signal controller for adaptive timing with a goal towards commercialization. Specifically, we intend to further develop, build and integrate advanced signal control algorithms that make use of the SPAT and GrID/MAP in order to augment existing inductive loop vehicle sensor data to improve the performance of traffic controllers. We will test and simulate these results using various hardware in the loop methods and VISSIM to determine performance metrics. We will demonstrate this in a multi-intersection operational area during the program using multiple live DSRC equipped vehicles and controller devices.