Advanced Geothermal Optical Transducer (AGOT)
Award last edited on: 4/1/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Charles A Liucci

Company Information

LEL Corporation

5 Burns Place
Cresskill, NJ 07626
   (201) 569-8641
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Bergen

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Today's geothermal pressure-temperature measuring tools are short endurance, high value instruments, used sparingly because their loss is a major expense. In this proposal, LEL Corporation offers to build and test a rugged, affordable downhole sensor capable of returning an uninterrupted data stream at pressures and temperatures of 10,000 psi and 250°C, respectively, thus permitting continuous deep-well logging. The research and analysis of the TCT transducer will provide a working prototype to be tested under laboratory conditions at the completion of the Phase I effort. Commercialization during the Phase II effort will expand the optical sensing features to measurements of displacement, force, acceleration and temperature to 500°C. Design, build and test a sensor capable of reading pressures up to 10,000 psi with 5 percent FS accuracy at a temperature exceeding 250°C. Though the "test depth" is 3 meters in a laboratory environment, testing will clearly demonstrate the transducer's potential for continuous duty in a geothermal setting.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:
The sensor technology can be used to monitor jet engine core pressure, petrochemical processes, hydraulics, heavy construction equipment, high pressure metal cutting, oceanography, nuclear power plants, injection molding, processing industries, machine tools, mining and research organizations requiring similar gains in performance and reduced cost.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Today’s geothermal pressure/temperature measuring tools are short endurance, high value instruments used sparingly because their loss is a major expense. This project will build and test a rugged, affordable downhole sensor capable of returning an uninterrupted data stream at pressures and temperatures of 10,000 psi and 250°C, respectively, thus permitting continuous deep-well logging. In Phase I, several prototype devices were constructed for laboratory testing. Optical fiber assemblies were integrated into the device in conjunction with a remote light source/photodetector/power supply module. Laboratory evaluation of a prototype sensor established and reaffirmed the basic design and performance for measurement of pressure in a hostile environment. Phase II provides for the further miniaturization and ruggedization of the device by the use of high temperature ceramic components. In addition to providing field deployable devices, a coupled sensor array will be utilized to provide other relevant data at the well-head, including drilling force, flow, pressure and temperature.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:
The sensor technology should have application for monitoring jet engine core pressure, petrochemical processes, hydraulics, heavy construction equipment, high pressure metal cutting, oceanography, nuclear power plants, injection molding, processing industries, and machine tools, as well as for mining and research organizations requiring similar gains in performance an reduced cost.