Using the Image Understanding Architecture and Knowledge Based Reasoning to Recognized Vehicle Types from Multisensor Data
Award last edited on: 5/7/2004

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Army
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
James H Burrill

Company Information

Amerinex Applied Imaging Inc (AKA: Amerinex Artificial Intelligence Inc)

29 Industrial Drive East
Northampton, MA 01060
   (413) 582-9600
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Hampshire

Phase I

Contract Number: DAAL01-94-C-0027
Start Date: 4/29/1994    Completed: 4/29/1996
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Current Army projects, the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System,and the Unmanned Ground Vehicle project require automated signal processingand information processing techniques that distinguish various types ofvehicles in real-time. Tasks, such as distinguishing 3-axle trucks from2-axle trucks or trucks from cars, require image understanding, artificialintelligence, and high performance computing. We proposed to use theadvanced processing architecture of the Image Understanding Architecture(IUA) in an AI paradigm that combines these various forms or processing. Inparticular, we proposed to utilize the IUA for recognizing vehicle typesfrom multisensor data fusion, and then using sensor and domain knowledge tocontrol the extraction, grouping, and matching of image features againststored abstract models for the various vehicle types. In Phase I, we willuse static images of military targets to experiment with extracting variousimage features such as lines, arcs, and regions from both visible and IRimages. These features will be perceptually organized to form symbolicdescriptions of complex image events. Model matching algorithms will bedeveloped to classify the image events based on abstract models of knownvehicles. This approach will be tested by measuring the accuracy and speedof the model matching process on the IUA.

Phase II

Contract Number: DAAL01-95-C-0072
Start Date: 5/10/1995    Completed: 5/16/1997
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Current Army projects such as the digitized battle field and other projects such as the Intelligent Vehicle System and the Unmanned Ground Vehicle project require automated signal processing and information processing techniques that distinguish various types of vehicles in real-time. Vehicle discrimination tasks require Image Understanding, Artificial Intelligence, and high performance computing. We propose to use the advanced processing capability of the Image Understanding Architecture (IUA) in an AI paradigm that finds vehicles from multisensor data and discriminates between vehicle types using sensor and domain knowledge to control the extraction, grouping, and matching of image features against stored abstract models of the various vehicle types. In Phase I, we used static images of military targets to experiment with extracting various image features such as lines, arcs, and regions from both visible and IR images. These images are perceptually organized to form symbolic descriptions of complex image events. Model matching algorithms were developed to classify the image events based on abstract models of known vehicles. In Phase II, this approach will be further developed by measuring the accuracy and speed of the model matching process on the IUA. Additional methods of describing and matching vehicles will be investigated.