Some level of severity of back injury has occurred in over 50 of 450 ACES ejections. Increased spinal loading of lightweight ejectees during the catapult stroke, which increases the probability of spinal injury, is well researched. Small statured, lightweight, female pilots are now part of the USAF pilot population. Additionally, any upward acceleration of the aircraft during ejection increases the spinal loading causing a drastic increase in the probability of spinal injury. The SBIR Phase I study integrating a Spinal Preload Piston into the CKU-5B/A catapult demonstrated that it will provide greatly improved catapult performance to the ACES II seat for the entire pilot population. The proposed Phase II program defines a test program that will demonstrate the great potential of the preloading concept through the fabrication of test articles, test stand, and assembly of a data acquisition system, culminating in developmental tests. Testing will be representative of the catapult phase of ejections for both lighweight and heavyweight efejctees under both level flight and upward acceleration conditions. This program will bring the AF one stop closer to reducing ejection induced spinal injuries for the entire pilot population.
Benefits: The proposed test program will provide a solid foundation for the subsequent development/qualification of a spinal preload piston which will improve the ACES-II ejection seat catapult performance for all ejectees, regardless of their weight, and will reduce the probability of spinal injury to all ejectees, especially to the small, light weight, female crewmembers