Company Profile

PinMed Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/13/2021      CAGE: 4XS23      UEI: DLRNMH33N954

Business Identifier: Bioinformatics/medical-device company
Year Founded
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Location Information

245 Melwood Avenue Suite 501
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
   (412) 687-6964
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: Allegheny

Public Profile

PinMed, Inc., is a bioinformatics/medical-device company that develops high-fidelity cardiovascular monitoring systems, personalized (adaptive) software, and integrated systems and custom solutions for tracking cardiovascular data in the most challenging environments (e.g., MR-guided interventional procedures) and identifying subtle but clinically important indicators of cardiovascular events. PinMed’s solutions include versatile, multisensor, high-fidelity monitoring systems for various hospital and ambulatory settings. The company has extensive experience in electronic and mechanical engineering, development of software and firmware for various processors, computational modeling, and cardiovascular physiology. PinMed’s flagship mobile platform, PELEX, provides versatility in physiological monitoring and has been cleared by the FDA for diagnostic 12-lead ECG testing and various types of ambulatory monitoring.

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Key People / Management

  Vladimir Shusterman -- President

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