Physiological events (PEs) are a major threat to life, mission, and aircraft. Insights gleaned from analyses of PEs and their outcomes could inform future command decisions and improve aviator training. PEs are currently documented via the aviators self-assessments of the events surrounding the PE. However, human memory is fallible, especially following a PE where neurocognitive function is compromised. A solution is needed to alert aviators to potential emerging PEs, intervene automatically if necessary, and log PEs with precise timing and contextual flight information. Electroencephalography (EEG) promises enhanced PE assessment by providing objective neurocognitive information. An in-helmet EEG system that is practical for operational use will save lives, preserve resources, and improve mission outcomes. However, the cockpit is a noisy environment requiring advanced methods to accommodate for large changes in temperature, acceleration, and pressure. To meet this need, Aptima proposes the design and development of the Flight-Ready Assessment of Neurophysiology & Cognition (FRANC). FRANC will offer the ability to measure and analyze neural signals in real time, in challenging operational contexts, providing actionable insights. FRANC will represent the state-of-the-art in EEG hardware, ergonomics, and analytics, and will initially be designed for the HGU-68/P flight helmet.