Phase II Amount
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is a cost-efficient and comprehensive water treatment solution that destroys water contaminants on contact, enabling on-site advanced water treatment in many industries with the potential for zero-liquid discharge/reuse operations. The proposed technology uses an innovative electrochemical design for water treatment. This practice reduces costs (e.g., transport, treatment, permitting) associated with hazardous waste and fresh water supplies, while safeguarding communities and the environment from potential contamination through accidental release, incomplete treatment, or non-secure storage. Industries adopting zero-liquid discharge can reduce freshwater demand and redirect it for other critical uses, such as agriculture. This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will advance the development of an electrochemical oxidation and reduction destruction technology for industrial and municipal water treatment. The proposed technology destroys contaminants in a single step using a reactive electrochemical membrane easily customized to the appropriate voltage and amperage to efficiently oxidize or reduce target contaminants in the water. This project will address the following objectives: 1) optimize efficacy and efficiency to destroy PFAS, 1,4-dioxane, nitrate, and perchlorate, 2) finalize large-scale device design, 3) develop a pilot system and explore the performance-cost trade space, and 4) iterate on system design. The impact of process conditions on treatment efficacy will be explored to optimize for low cost and energy efficiency. Verification and validation will take place with on-site brine treatment pilot testing, while characterizing performance relative to state-of-practice and exploring potential economies of scale.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.