Phase II Amount
This innovative technology solution will enable the USAF to realize greater ROI on its S&T and engineering research dollars. It will bring commercially-proven technology in support of the warfighter to allow better/earlier decisions across the weapon system life cycle, substantially lowering USAF weapon system development and sustainment lifecycle costs. RJLG's Machine Learning powered Digital Engineering Toolbox will enable better decision-making under risk. It will do this by providing for the application of a Digital Thread architecture to locate and connect all collaborative sources of knowledge to enable the application of model-based tools to develop authoritative digital surrogate truth sources, quantify margins and uncertainties in technical performance measures. Currently, there is keen interest from AFRL/RY, 711 HPW/RH (this Phase II use case), AFRL/RX and AFRL/RC (pursuing innovative data curation and decisioning risk reduction for MS&A), making the initiative outcome one of true enterprise value, across all lab and SPO verticals. Building on existing TRL-8 level capabilities, RJLG will provide a complete Production-Ready integrated Digital Engineering Toolbox for providing several key building blocks of the digital enterprise/engineering (DEE) and Digital Thread / Digital Twin. Such decision-making efficiencies become "must have"Â as future weapon systems become more complex, multi-domain, and enterprise-oriented in design.