News Article

CVD Graphene Barrier and Conductive Films for Flexible Organic Electronics
Date: May 15, 2013
Author: Michael Patterson
Source: 2013 SBIR National Conference

Featured firm in this article: Graphene Frontiers LLC of Philadelphia, PA

Graphene Frontiers is working towards roll-to-roll production and transfer of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene films for use as a flexible, transparent conductor and encapsulating high barrier film for thin, flexible electronics, including organic light emitting diode (OLED) and thin film organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. Graphene films produced by Graphene Frontiers’ atmospheric growth and novel transfer methods solve the two key problems that limit production and device lifetimes for flexible organic devices, to wit: Lack of adequate and cost effective transparent flexible conductor and encapsulation methods that are compatible with roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing processes.

Our technology allows device manufacturers to replace multiple conductive and encapsulating layers with a nanometer-scale thin film and enables the cost-effective, R2R production of next generation of thin, flexible electronics. Graphene Frontiers’ method and technology subsystem will be licensed to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or their Tier I suppliers via advanced material company partners and integrated into existing production lines; our process is a quantum leap improvement over alternative technologies and will serve as the catalyst for the explosive growth of the multi-billion dollar market for flexible organic electronics.