Face to face

idi has a many years track-record of very effective events taking a different approach. Specialize in smaller-scale efforts carefully designed to maximize interactions between participants.  Further, by engaging leading-edge experts in their field and employing interesting formats and powerful analyses, get past the once-over-lightly discussion of issues being addressed.
Consistently rated by attendees - large and small firms alike - as among best and most useful meetings in which they participate, there is a reason that we get to see some players regularly - including many who plan their schedules so as never to miss a relevant ASSETs event.  Opportunity for others to post events.  Strong preference for technology and business development opportunities which are not SBIR specific focused.

... if involvement in tech transfer and/or IP transactions, set-up of strategic alliances and collaborations are critical components of YOUR job description and/or business development strategy, the ASSETs Forum format of

  structured pre-event interaction
  in-depth groundwork to identify/achieve targeted matching
  extensive & various at-event interaction & focused content

  very useful, focused content sessions, involving leading experts in their fields
  and effective post-event support
makes this a powerful, effective, must-be-involved resource"

A Needs-Driven, Market-Pull system
This tightly structured, carefully-designed convening of those in several large and mid-sized firms with Tech Scouting responsibility and appropriately qualified SBIR-STTR Awardees is always
  • a useful opportunity for close, opportunity-focused interaction with potential business partners
  • a structured setting in which to lay the groundwork for real working relationships and
  • a powerful learning experience for many of those involved.

    The track record of now almost 100 actual working relationships to have come out of these efforts is varied and impressive. Out of the Fifth Annual ASSETs Forum alone (December 2009), business transactions and deals valued at over $14M are already reported, with several more in the works. This project-focused and skills-matching approach really works .... for small firms and large(r) company alike.

SBIR ASSET is a system - of which the Forum per se is only one part. The whole is an integrated, year-round approach to enabling and supporting effective working relationships of varying types between large and small firm - SBIR ASSETs Components.
    These working relationships, and the deals which regularly come out of the Forum, are often the outcome of what may have been a several month process of drill-down prep-work - as much by the Tech Seeker as by the SBIR Awardee.
    In short, the SBIR ASSETs process - and the Forum in particular - is

    • NOT a short-term jab approach;
    • NOR is it about simply showcasing the achievements of SBIR Awardee in something of a vacuum - the technology-push approach that primarily (and largely not very successfully) has defined SBIR agency sponsored Phase III efforts to date.

   Instead, the database-supported, needs-driven ASSET System is about efficiently and effectively connecting serious Technology Seekers with actual decision-making responsibility to those specific SBIR-involved firms which have

--EITHER already developed, OR have made major progress towards, what the particular Tech Seekers is actually looking for
--AND/OR have the demonstrated skill-sets which suggest that they could be engaged to work effectively to that end.

What drives the ASSETs Forum process
is what Tech Seekers involved have specifically
indicated are their collaborative interests.
Tire-kickers are not welcome

Powerful databases
The critical element underpinnning this effort and the demonstrated capacity to make truly effective matches of need to capability are powerful, proprietary SBIR relational databases developed and maintained by Event organizers - long-time, leading SBIR advocates in the private sector.
    Accurate and complete to the most recently announced SBIR-STTR awards, this comprehensive, cross-agency system supports offline, rapid keyword/key-phrase -searches through all project Abstracts, Issued Patents, detailed Company Profiles, in-depth Capability Statements, Business and Financial Condition (to include VC, IPO, M&A), a full range of classification systems and analyses, Personnel Bios, Working papers, news releases and featured articles etc.
    Those SBIR Awardees yielded by this process of matching capabilities to expressed Tceh Seeker need are those who will be notified of the opportunity. They are the ones invited to become engaged pre-event to find out more and to determine from that process whether to take the time to attend the event.

Note: this SBIR-STTR-focused Market-Pull, Tech-Transfer event explicitly is NOT open-access.

  • Invitation is required at all levels -- including Observer status
  • SBIR awardees selected for presentation of Tech Seeker response, technology opportunity and/or capabilities overview posting will have made application and been subjected to rigorous evaluative procedure.

    Organizers reserve the right
    to refuse registration.