Date: Aug 10, 2022 Source: PR Newswire (
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BOULDER, Colo., Aug. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- CaliberMRI, an industry leader in standardization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), has been awarded a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve repeatability and reproducibility of diagnostic imaging for neonatal and pediatric brain development of children in Africa and Southeast Asia. CaliberMRI supports research into pediatric brain development through standardization and calibration of low field MRI scanners deployed at more than 25 sites in both high and low- to middle-income countries. CaliberMRI will be providing phantoms (ground truth reference objects) and analysis software to ensure that the data collected can be compared across sites and over time. "Following our recent rollout of novel portable MRI technology across five continents, it is imperative that we achieve consistent image quality at these new facilities" said Steve Williams, Principal Investigator, Head of Department of Neuroimaging at the Centre for Neuroimaging, King's College London. "System standardization with CaliberMRI will allow us to pool data and quantify brain development, pathology and response to a myriad of potential new treatments for the most vulnerable in society."
"Our mission is to bring standardization to MRI for improved repeatability and reproducibility based on SI-traceable quantitative measurement," said Bill Hollander, CEO of CaliberMRI. "Implementing this on a global scale to improve the lives of children across the world, and, specifically, those with the greatest need, is an honor." With validation through the Gates Foundation grant, CaliberMRI will be able to elevate the standard of MRI care worldwide and for patients of all ages.
CaliberMRI selected for Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant re: pediatric diagnostic brain MRI in Africa & SE Asia.
CaliberMRI's grant, entitled "Harmonizing Data Acquisitions Across Low Field MRI Partners", will run for 24 months with the deployment of the first phantoms in the summer of 2022.
About CaliberMRI: CaliberMRI is on a mission to improve the standard of care through standardization of MRI. MRI is a powerful tool for screening, diagnosis and treatment monitoring in the fields of cancer, diabetes, stroke, MS, neurodegenerative and other diseases. CaliberMRI produces integrated phantom/software platforms to ensure quantitative MRI measurements are accurate, repeatable and reproducible. CaliberMRI's products, developed in conjunction with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), improve quantitative imaging results, reduce clinical trial costs, and, ultimately, advance the standard of care. CaliberMRI works with researchers, hospitals, and clinicians around the world. Based in Boulder, Colorado, CaliberMRI has a growing global distributor network. For more information on our products and mission, visit us at and follow us on LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Callie Weiant
SOURCE CaliberMRI, Inc.