Spun out of University of Michigan, Quantum Signal LLC provides product design, consulting, and research and development services. The company specializes in developing and applying techniques for intelligent sensing, data analysis, and visualization; and focuses on signal and image processing development and applications, as well as simulation. Through the years, QS perseonnel have applied the firm's highly versatile technology to solve a wide range of problems to include enhanced automotive crash analysis, solve noise and vibration issues, enhance defense communications, and develop new speaker verification based security. QS personnel have also continued to develop in-house technologies for future commercialization. Projects have included development and extension of the company's unique, patented pattern recognition technology for biometrics applications. Novel, advanced face and speech-based biometric algorithms were developed with some of the technology in use today in police stations, retail stores, and laboratories around the world. QS continued to work on other technologies concurrently with the biometrics program, and was recognized for some of its non-biometrics related contributions. Later, QS formed a new modeling and simulation (M&S) group to bring video gaming technology to more "serious" training and engineering applications. QS demonstrated the first "GTSI" trainer for the Army, leveraging Xboxes and demonstrating the usefulness of interactive software and low-cost hardware in the military vehicle development process. Later, the firm launched an effort to develop advanced ground robotics solutions and make them more intelligent and easy to use. Both the M&S and robotics efforts have grown and flourished since their inception, completing over a dozen major efforts and delivered state-of-the-art products to many customers. More recetly, QS made history when it was awarded the first autonomous vehicle testing license plates in the State of Michigan - later demonstrating the first autonomous security robotic system engineered for harsh-weather environments. There is now a major focus on development of new sensing, perception, and control systems for ground robotics as well as expanding its ANVEL M&S software capabilities and userbase. In the Summer 2019, Ford Motor - whose personnel had been monitoring the Michigan based small firm for some time and particularly twith their shift to looking at building and deploying self-driving cars - acquired