Founded around the concept of enabling organizations and groups of users to utilize advanced analysis capabilities while protecting data privacy and digital intellectual property, Duality Technologies has developed technologies enabling sensitive content to be analyzed and shared by partners through encryption - without relinquishing data privacy. With facilities in Israel and the US, Duality's technology permits the players involved securely to collaborate, applying advanced analyses and artificial intelligence to data while it is encrypted and generating insights without ever exposing the raw data. A member of the Homomorphic Encryption Standardization committee, an open industry, government, academic consortium to advance secure computation, the firm's platform enables organization to streamline their digital collaboration processes and implement new collaboration modalities. The firm offers SecurePlus Data, a secure collaboration platform that enables secure data collaboration at scale between data-owners and analyzing parties; and SecurePlus Insights, which integrates with analytical and Al tools to be securely offered in a hosted environment.