A long-term objective of Laboratories for Genetic Services, Inc., is to provide an accurate, rapid, simple, and cost-effective methodology for mammalian (rodent and human) mutagenic testing, detection, and classification for the prevention of genetic disease and cancer. GENE*DETEQ will(1) identify existing and new mutagens,(2) improve the system of mutagenic classification,(3) provide a system for the identification of a particular mutagen based on its unique mutagenic sequence characteristics.In Phase I, the molecular methods of ribonuclease A cleavage of RNA:RNA hybrids for mammalian mutation detection and analysis were established. In Phase II, new methods based on polymerase chain reaction and automated direct DNA sequencing will be developed to study molecular specificity of mutagens and suspected mutagenic agents in the environment. The use of GENE*DETEQ will provide(1) a simple means for precise identification of DNA sequence changes involved in mutation,(2) a qualitative method for determining mutagenic mechanisms.
Anticipated Results:When fully developed and validated, GENE*DETEQ will be used as a reliable mammalian mutational assay by industry and government for the protection of humans and the environment from potentially mutagenic hazards in chemicals, foods, drugs, and radiation. The commercial value of using GENE*DETEQ for the testing and evaluation of product safety and environmental health will be several million dollars annually.National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)