Effective sealing or resealing of joints in PCC runways for military aircraft is an old and on-going problem. Many of the presently used materials are deficient due to attack by fuel and hydraulic fluid, melting/trailing on exposure to jet engine blast, loss of adhesion to pavement, especially at low temperatures, etc. During Phase I of the proposed program, Springborn demonstrated the feasibility of an epoxy-cured nitrile rubber-based sealant. This material shows good resistance to JP-5 and other chemicals, as well as jet engine blast, and has good adhesion and flexibility at temperatures as low as -20 degrees F. The Phase II effort will concentrate on refining the base formulation for wet adhesion and UV resistance, identifying/ developing meter/mix/dispense equipment for field installation of seals, field testing, analyzing the manufacturing costs, and modifying test specifications for use in Q.A.